Guilty of Thought Crime

•Thursday 11th February, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I have become increasingly afraid of where our country is headed recently. The Hate Crimes Bill is the sign that the process to end our freedom of speech is beginning. I have created a “Guilty of Thought Crimes” on Facebook and would love for you to join. I will try to keep it updated about the progress of the liberal agenda, and maybe we all can discuss together what defenses we can use.

God Bless!
The Thought Felon– Tess!/group.php?gid=319096898523&ref=search&sid=1193712331.428201265..1

Nickelodeon– A once Innocent Cartoon Network and Now…

•Saturday 2nd January, 2010 • 1 Comment


When I was growing up, I would frequently watch cartoons. I rarely watched “Cartoon Network” because it was a little to gross for me. I prefered Nickelodeon. It was good, clean, funny cartoons. I remember shows like Angry Beavers, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and Doug. These shows NEVER implied anything inappropriate and my mother could feel safe letting me watch these shows unsupervised. Now, my younger siblings are part of a different generation that seems to think that exposing children to perverse and suggestive images, speech, and situations is perfectly fine!

I went home to visit my family recently, and all my eight year old brother could talk about was this new show on Nick, “Glenn Martin, D.D.S.” He had Tivo-ed it, and replayed it for me. I was horrified! First, there is the blood and gore! There was a fork in someone’s eye and blood was gushing everywhere! And the protagonist’s hand went through one of his patients body, via his mouth, with his hand. The protagonist had a finger biten off (he is a dentist) and you guessed it– blood gushing everywhere. Suprisingly, this is not what made me call my mother in to see what they were watching. Instead, it was an situation where “Glenn” walks into his living room to find his wife doing some home improvement, but is strapped into a harness high up near the ceiling. Glenn– who apparently was expecting “alone time” with his wife, sees this and says something like– ” OH, I have heard about this. Anti-gravity nookie.” He proceeds to tell her that according to their “Sex With Jackie” Calendar (No Joke), that they should be having sex tonight.

From what I have heard, this show uses terms like Sl*t, Prostitute, Wh*re, Bastard, and many other things. Nick has even decided to air a Movie recently called “Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging”. If you are not familiar with British lingo, “Snogging” means “making-out”. It should be obvious what this movie is about. I have not seen the movie, but several others are disturbed by the content. Apparently, this movie contains very blatant talk of sex and boys, and even features a gay couple. THESE CHILDREN ARE FOURTEEN YEARS OLD! There is alcohol use and the language used is awful .

This is what Nickelodeon has become. I did some research and I found that Viacom, the parent company of Nickelodeon, is also the company of MTV. This should explain a lot. If you have ever watched MTV for more than a few minutes–and you are a good parent, you know that you would never allow your child to watch it, much less alone. There is VERY explicit sexual content and vulgar language– vulgar everything, really. How far are the children’s networks coming to MTV? Who knows, but I think we need to open our eyes.

Supporters of Glenn Martin and other’s like it will say that it is on at 8 o’clock, which is now Nick @ Nite time, and that obviously young kids shouldn’t be watching it. There are several things wrong with this argument: 1. Nick @ Nite used to start at 9 o’clock– some parents are still accustomed to THAT schedule. 2. This show is still on too early. 3. Glenn Martin has frequently been sandwiched for re-runs in between other kids shows during early day hours. 4. It looks like a cartoon! This is the same reason medicine shouldn’t look like candy! Kids assume they can have it (or in this case: watch it) 5. This is inappropriate EVEN for their target audience! Even the older “tweens” shouldn’t be watching this filth! 6. It’s just not funny!

I think parents should keep a closer eye on their kids shows, expecially Nick– because we obviously can’t rely on them anymore. I am sure the time will come when even Nick Jr. will be “educating” toddlers on a “proper” and “politically correct” worldview. Remember “Little Bear”? I am sure within a few years, Little Bear’s mommy will die and Papa Bear will get a new “Roommate”, named Bruce Bear– just you wait.

Actually, this article sums it all up better than I can: <>

In this article, the author lists all the sexual scenarios with this show. ”

“Glenn Martin, DDS” on SEX:

– Glenn’s wife Jackie throws him on the bed. He asks if she’s initiating sex. She tells him to shut up and grab the headboard. He does, and after she strips him to his underwear, you have a basic S&M visual, as she stands dominantly beside the bed.

– Glenn sees his wife hanging from a contraption that’s for working on the ceiling. He makes known he’s up for some “zero gravity nookie.” Jackie reminds him she is not really into post-marital sex, and he shows her on the calendar where he had called to schedule “Sex with Jackie.”

– Thirteen-year old Connor peeps with Glenn at a female neighbor who is getting out of the shower.

– Connor also says double entendres like. . . While lifting weights, “I’m so hard right now.” When feeling his muscles, “These pythons could choke a chicken.”

– In a flashback, Glenn watches obscured porn (complete with moans) and quickly switches it off when his wife comes home.

– Glenn comes into the bedroom and asks Jackie if she wants to “churn some butter.”

– Amish woman says, “Don’t be afraid of the Mennonites. Be afraid of the Men at Night. I was Amish when I got there, but by the end of the night I was a Quaker.”

– Amish girl asks Connor if he would like to see the hair under her bonnet. He joyfully replies, “I get to see your hair!”

The show also attacks religion: ”

“Glenn Martin, DDS” on RELIGION:

– Daughter accepts a trophy and thanks “the man upstairs.” She then looks up to see an old guy waving in the rafters.

– When told not to take pictures of Amish people, Glenn says he wouldn’t want to get the man in trouble with “his god,” but then tells his wife to sneak a picture later.

– While escaping a gang of Amish who want to hurt him, Glenn takes their pictures to stop them in their tracks and yells, “I’ve got your souls, losers!””

And also just plain bad ideas for kids to be exposed to:

“Glenn Martin, DDS” on BAD IDEAS:

– Eleven-year-old daughter asks is she should enter an equestrian event or a bourbon making contest.

– The Ringmaster of a circus exclaims, “Yeah, I’m not allowed to drive on goofballs and GIN, but that doesn’t stop me!”

– Connor is too busy to look at Niagara Falls because he is staring into his handheld video game. When his parents request he stop and come look, he boasts, “I’m about to kill a prostitute.” His mother tells him, “He is not old enough to kill a prostitute.”

– Glenn’s kids corrupt Amish children with worldly ways, haughty attitudes and mini-skirts.

I dont even have children yet, and I am appaulled. Another thing to notice– The night of the premire of this show, there was a PSA ad about talking to your kids about sex. I am glad that the government finally stepped in with this issue…

I am going to do some research about the new OBAMA- APPOINTED FCC chairman and see if it has anything to do with this and I will be back!

Court Order’s Christian Child into Government education

•Thursday 17th December, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Court orders Christian child into government education
10-year-old’s ‘vigorous’ defense of her faith condemned by judge

Posted: August 28, 2009
12:35 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A 10-year-old homeschool girl described as “well liked, social and interactive with her peers, academically promising and intellectually at or superior to grade level” has been told by a New Hampshire court official to attend a government school because she was too “vigorous” in defense of her Christian faith.

The decision from Marital Master Michael Garner reasoned that the girl’s “vigorous defense of her religious beliefs to [her] counselor suggests strongly that she has not had the opportunity to seriously consider any other point of view.”

The recommendation was approved by Judge Lucinda V. Sadler, but it is being challenged by attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund, who said it was “a step too far” for any court.

The ADF confirmed today it has filed motions with the court seeking reconsideration of the order and a stay of the decision sending the 10-year-old student in government-run schools in Meredith, N.H.

The dispute arose as part of a modification of a parenting plan for the girl. The parents divorced in 1999 when she was a newborn, and the mother has homeschooled her daughter since first grade with texts that meet all state standards.

In addition to homeschooling, the girl attends supplemental public school classes and has also been involved in a variety of extra-curricular sports activities, the ADF reported.

But during the process of negotiating the terms of the plan, a guardian ad litem appointed to participate concluded the girl “appeared to reflect her mother’s rigidity on questions of faith” and that the girl’s interests “would be best served by exposure to a public school setting” and “different points of view at a time when she must begin to critically evaluate multiple systems of belief … in order to select, as a young adult, which of those systems will best suit her own needs.”

According to court documents, the guardian ad litem earlier had told the mother, “If I want her in public school, she’ll be in public school.”

The marital master hearing the case proposed the Christian girl be ordered into public school after considering “the impact of [her religious] beliefs on her interaction with others.”

“Parents have a fundamental right to make educational choices for their children. In this case specifically, the court is illegitimately altering a method of education that the court itself admits is working,” said ADF-allied attorney John Anthony Simmons of Hampton.

“The court is essentially saying that the evidence shows that, socially and academically, this girl is doing great, but her religious beliefs are a bit too sincerely held and must be sifted, tested by, and mixed among other worldviews. This is a step too far for any court to take.”

“The New Hampshire Supreme Court itself has specifically declared, ‘Home education is an enduring American tradition and right,'” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Mike Johnson. “There is clearly and without question no legitimate legal basis for the court’s decision, and we trust it will reconsider its conclusions.”

The case, handled in the Family Division of the Judicial Court for Belknap County in Laconia, involves Martin Kurowski and Brenda Kurowski (Voydatch), and their daughter.

The ADF also argued that the issue already was raised in 2006 and rejected by the court.

“Most urgent … is the issue of Amanda’s schooling as the school year has begun and Amanda is being impacted by the court’s decision daily,” the court filing requesting a stay said. “Serious state statutory and federal constitutional concerns are implicated by the court’s ruling and which need to be remedied without delay.

“It is not the proper role of the court to insist that Amanda be ‘exposed to different points of view’ if the primary residential parent has determined that it is in Amanda’s best interest not to be exposed to secular influences that would undermine Amanda’s faith, schooling, social development, etc. The court is not permitted to demonstrate hostility toward religion, and particularly the faith of Amanda and Mother, by removing Amanda from the home and thrusting her into an environment that the custodial parent deems detrimental to Amanda.”

“The order assumes that because Amanda has sincerely held Christian beliefs, there must be a problem that needs solving. It is a parent’s constitutionally protected right to train up their children in the religious beliefs that they hold. It is not up to the court to suggest that a 10-year-old should be ‘exposed’ to other religious views contrary to the faith traditions of her parents. Could it not be that this sharp 10-year-old ‘vigorously’ believes what she does because she knows it to be true? The court’s narrative suggests that 10-year-olds are too young to form opinions and that they are not yet allowed to have sincerely held Christian beliefs,” the ADF said.

“Absent any other clear and convincing evidence justifying the court’s decision, it would appear that the court has indeed taken sides with regard to the issue of religion and has preferred one religious view over another (or the absence of religion). This is impermissible,” the documents said.

The guardian ad litem had an anti-Christian bias, the documents said, telling the mother at one point she wouldn’t even look at homeschool curriculum.

“I don’t want to hear it. It’s all Christian based,” she said.

The Unwanted Solution: The Benefits of Abstinence

•Friday 11th December, 2009 • 9 Comments




The Unwanted Solution: The Health Benefits of Abstinence 

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure for God will judge the adulterer and the sexually immoral.” – Hebrews 13:4

What if I told you I know how to prevent cervical cancer? What about Sexually Transmitted Disease? I might even tell you that I know how to prevent unwanted children, divorce and even heartbreak. Of course, you would want to know the secret; who wouldn’t? What if I told you that nearly everyone knows how to prevent many of societies biggest problems, but they simply don’t want to sacrifice their desire of immediate gratification to do so? This is exactly what is happening. Pregnancy out of wedlock, abortions, HIV, other STDs, heartbreak, divorce, and even cancer can be greatly reduced or eliminated if more youth took the responsibility to be abstinent from sexual intercourse until marriage. Whether you look at this issue from a religious or a health standpoint–sex was made for marriage. Premarital sex causes many undesirable problems that can be prevented if our society stressed personal responsibility through abstinence.

 In 2000, nearly 240,000 children were born to unwed mothers under 18 years old. R.E. Rector, K.A. Johnson, Ph. D, and L.R. Noyes from The Heritage Foundation (2003) found that these women have a very high probability of long-term poverty and welfare dependence. This is an undesirable situation for any child and it could have been prevented if these women valued chastity and made the very mature and responsible decision to not have sex until marriage. While some of these young women do succeed despite having children so young, many do not. In their book, “Love your Neighbor”, Norman Giesler and Ryan Snuffer (2007) state that “People who selfishly engage in sexual activities outside of [marriage] often bring unwanted children into this world (p. 85)”. The authors, sociologists and theologians, say that these children are often born into unhealthy situations where they cannot receive the love and attention that they need to thrive into healthy adults. Every child deserves to be born into a world where both of their parents are responsible enough to provide and for them and love them. They also deserve to have parents who love and are committed to each other. Children need stability. When teens engage in sex too early, they rarely have the financial or relationship stability to support a child.

One very practical and intelligent reason for abstaining from sex until marriage is to avoid pregnancy. Unfortunately, when many women decide that they cannot take care of a child they elect to have an abortion. One must ask, if they knew that they were not ready to take care of a child, why were they having sex? Nevertheless, “ [i]n 2003, more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined” which brings us to about 1, 287,000 abortions just in 2003, says the National Right To Life (NRTL). It is a fact that the only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. Most of these could have been prevented if people took more responsibility for their sex lives. 3,500 abortions took place each day with only 7% involving rape, incest, health of mother or baby, etc. This means that about each day, about 3,250 couples or women decide that they aren’t ready to take responsibility for the natural consequences of having sex. If you get pregnant after having sex, your body is only doing what it was designed to do after sex: make babies. Our bodies were not meant to ingest chemicals to fool our hormones into acting as if we are already pregnant. Our bodies were not designed to wear a latex sheath to prevent transmission of fluids. Our bodies were not designed to have caps placed over our cervices. These methods were invented because people wanted to have the ability to have sex without taking responsibility for their actions. As soon as people had access to these methods, premarital sex increased at a rapid rate. If you do not want to have a child yet, don’t have sex yet. Sex is not a biological need. You can live without sex until marriage; this is known because many people do it everyday and never have regrets.

Let me be clear, however. I am not advocating the abolition of contraception. I think that it should only be used in marriage. For example, a couple decides to get married, but they want to build a home for their family first. This is an acceptable time to use birth control. If the couple were to become pregnant unexpectedly, the chances are that they would gladly keep the child and adapt quickly to their new situation; knowing that they are in a committed and loving marriage provides the security needed to raise a healthy child, regardless of a “less than perfect” time or financial situation. The child is still much better off having two parents who love and are committed to each other, rather than having parents who are in a rocky relationship because they weren’t prepared for sex or its consequences in the first place; or worse, to be aborted immediately.

So much money is being spent to find a cure or a vaccine for HIV, and it makes me wonder how many lives and dollars could have been saved if people decided to not have sex until marriage. According to AVERT, an AIDS charity, at the end of 2007– 455, 636 people were living with AIDS in America. The CDC estimates that around 1.1 million people are living in the United States with HIV, including those who haven’t been diagnosed or have already progressed to AIDS(2008). The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation (ETAF), just one of many AIDS organizations, has raised a total of $270 million dollars. This is very noble of Ms. Taylor, but again, would this all be necessary if more people decided to abstain from sex? Some act as if condoms are the only ways to prevent HIV, and I disagree. Condoms are just one way, and they happen to not be 100% effective. The only 100% effective method of prevention is abstinence.

HIV is not the only STD that teens should be wary of when considering premarital sex. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC 2009) in 2008, people between the ages of 15 and 24—1,065,305 had either chlamydia, Gonorrhea, or syphilis. These numbers have only been growing. This generation, 15 to 24 years old, are by far the most educated and knowledgeable about safe sex and STDs (compared to their parents and grandparents at the same age) but their numbers in infections keep growing. Information about safe sex can be found on the internet, on television, and in most health classes. There isn’t a lack of knowledge about safe sex or STDs in these kids, but instead a lack of maturity and responsibility for their actions.

Sex is supposed to be a very intimate and emotional experience meant for married couples who love each other. When sex is experienced too early in a relationship, not only are there physical risks of infection or pregnancy, but emotions play a huge and underrated role. Many teenagers feel they are mature enough to engage in a sexual relationship, only to find that they were too optimistic about the level of commitment from their partner or themselves. Premarital sex can ruin relationships. Emotions such as love, guilt, jealousy, possessiveness, embarrassment, confusion, depression, insecurity fears about diseases and pregnancy and expectation of marriage can and often do result from premarital sex. Premature sexual relations can cause a developing relationship that is based solely on sex. Susan Browning Pogany (1997) writes in her book, Sex Smart, that “Instead of having a chance to learn to trust and communicate calmly and gradually, partners can find an unexpected wall of worry and self-conscientiousness thrown up between them. The relationship is suddenly pressured, stressful, and uneasy (p. 17)” Studies have even shown that being sexually active as a teenager can drastically increase the probability of depression. Researchers Rector, Johnson, and Noyes from The Heritage Foundation (2003) conducted a study that showed that over 25% of girls who were sexually active showed significant signs of depression; by contrast only 7% of girls who were not sexually active showed signs of depression. This is even true in boys as well– over 8% of sexually active teenage boys reported signs of depression while only 4% of non-sexually active boys showed signs of depression. The study also asked if the teenagers who were sexually active regretted having sex so early. 63% of the teenagers said that they wish they would have waited longer. Beverly LaHaye (1995) stated in her book Desires of a Woman’s Heart, that when a group of young girls were asked “What would you like to have more information about regarding sex?”, the majority of the young girls said they wanted information on how to say no to sex without hurting the other person’s feelings. Instead, adults, educators and organizations are just handing them condoms and telling them that sex before marriage is okay (p. 67).

 The emotional aspect of sex is highly underrated. Oxytocin is a hormone in both men and women– affectionately called the “love hormone” or the “cuddle hormone”. This hormone is released in women to induce labor, to initiate lactation, and is released in both sexes during orgasm. Oxytocin creates bonds between people, promotes trust, makes you less critical of mistakes. Inside of marriage, Oxytocin can create a stronger and healthier marriage. Outside of marriage, Oxytocin released during sex can make life more difficult because of the temporary bonding then break ups. The strongest bond of Oxytocin is released with the first person you have sex with in your life ( 1999). If that person is your husband or wife, you are likely to have a very successful and happy marriage.

Marriage, unfortunately, has a 50% success rate in America. Many factors can be attributed to this but some of the most common reasons are: Poor communication, lack of commitment, and infidelity. If a young couple decides to remain abstinent through out the dating period, they have an amazing opportunity to base a relationship on a spiritual, emotional, and social platform. Their relationship develops without sex and they are able to have a deeper connection by the time they get married. These couples are far less likely to split up because during their dating period they had the time to learn to communicate, commit and become dedicated to their one and only sexual partner– their spouse. The significance of Oxytocin released during sex was already explained earlier. This strong of a bond is far less likely to end in divorce than someone who frequently “wastes” their Oxytocin levels on temporary relationships. One reason that some young people decide not to have sexual intercourse until marriage is because of religious or spiritual affiliations.

 The Bible frequently condemns sexual immorality, specifically premarital sex. For this reason, many teenagers choose to remain abstinent. In Hebrews 13:4, it says that the only sex that God approves of is that between a husband and his wife. “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure for God will judge the adulterer and the sexually immoral.” This is very clear about adultery and premarital sex being a sin. Some of the most beautiful verses in the Bible involve marriage. For example, in Matthew 19:6 “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” This is commenting on the unbreakable bonds that were meant for husbands and wives– what traditionally sealed these bonds was the marital act of sex. Organizations such as the “Silver Ring Thing” endorses abstinence through the help of Christianity and educate teenagers on how to be sexually responsible. Even though many teenagers are not Christian or religious in any way, it only takes common sense to see that waiting until marriage is the best option for your health and wellness.

Abstinence can also help prevent several cancers occurring in women. Oral contraception, known as “the pill” has been linked to an increase in cervical cancer, endometrial, ovarian and liver cancer, and now researchers are investigating a link to breast cancer as well ( 2006). When a woman is abstinent, she has little reason to expose her body to the hormones in oral contraception. Thus, saving her a lot of the risk of many cancers. Another cause of cervical cancer is Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse. There is a vaccine for HPV, called Gardisil– however, even this is raising some eyebrows about the safety of this vaccine. ABC news (2009) states it has been linked to 32 unconfirmed deaths and shows higher instances of blood clots and fainting than other vaccines. If a woman remains abstinent, she can reduce her risk of many cancers and the undesirable side effects of the HPV vaccine (because it is unnecessary when you abstain from sex). By looking at these facts, it is wonder why many people are proponents of sex before marriage– it literally is a gamble with your life.

To my amazement, a frequent argument against abstinence is that the idea is “unrealistic” in our society. It is precisely for this reason why abstinence is unrealistic. It seems obvious to me that any idea that is deemed “unrealistic” is doomed for failure. If teenagers are told that they are not expected to have responsibility for their actions, such as having sex, then why should they expect it of themselves? How an we expect them to learn personal responsibility? If we continue to hold our youth to such low standards and expectations, how does the future of our society have any hope at all? Can you imagine a world governed by a people who were all taught to not take responsibility for important decisions such as sexual behavior? The world would be even more chaotic than it is now. In his book, Sexual Suicide, George F. Gilder (1973) says “For sex is the life force– and cohesive impulse– of a people, and their very character will be deeply affected by how sexuality is managed, sublimated, expressed, denied and propagated. In our society, teenagers are learning the philosophy of ‘if you itch, scratch’ (p.1). Imagine all of the urges that humans have. What would result if everyone simply “Scratched”? I had one eye opening experience with a homosexual friend when discussing the cure of HIV. I told him that I had a cure for the AIDS epidemic and asked him if he wanted to know the secret. He said “I would love to know!” I responded, “Abstinence.” I must admit I was not surprised when he brushed off my answer and said, “Oh, that’s been around forever. Its not new. What we need is something that allows people to have sex without any possible consequences.” His response was very common, and therein lies the problem; people want to have all the pleasures without any of the consequences. My only response to that is–you are out of luck because it will never exist, and you should grow up. No matter how many methods of birth control or protection you use, there will always be a slight chance of pregnancy or infection. Not to mention the emotional damage caused by premarital sex is can be irreparable and nearly unavoidable. Anyone who tells you different has an agenda or is “trying to get into your pants” . The only truly ‘safe sex’ (emotional and otherwise), besides no sex, is within the marriage of two faithful people who were virgins at the time of marriage.

 As I have shown, many so-called solutions are out there that claim to prevent pregnancy, STDs, HIV, heartbreak, and divorce—but very few deliver as effectively as abstinence. This decision is not only beneficial to your physical health, but also to your emotional well being. Your family will be stronger and you will live a healthier life by reducing all the risks of cancer and STDs by abstaining from sex until you are married. I believe that the main reasons that abstinence is not practiced by more individuals is because of a lack of personal responsibility, self control and the “I want what I want when I want it” mentality. Abstinence is the unwanted solution to numerous problems.


 AIDS & HIV statistics for the USA by state and city. (2009, December 3). AIDS & HIV information from the AIDS charity AVERT. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from Elizabeth Taylor Archives: HIV/AIDS. (n.d.). Elizabeth Taylor Archives: Celebrating the Life and Career of Dame Elizabeth Taylor!. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from http://www.dameelizabethtaylor

Geisler, N. L., & Snuffer, R. P. (2007). Love Your Neighbor: Thinking Wisely about Right and Wrong. Leicester, England: Crossway Books.

 Gilder, G. F. (1973). Sexual suicide. Toronto: Quadrangle.

Lahaye, B. (1995). The Desires of a Woman’s Heart. Penang, Malaysia: Tyndale House Pub.

NRLC. (n.d.). National Right to Life. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from

Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk: Q & A – National Cancer Institute. (2006, May 4). National Cancer Institute – Comprehensive Cancer Information. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from

Oxytocin : the hormone of love . (1999, July 13). oxytocin . org : the biology of true love. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from

Pogany, S. (1998). Sex Smart: 501 Reasons to Hold Off on Sex: A Sexuality Resource for Teenagers. Minneapois, MN: Fairview Press.

Rector, R. E., Johnson, K. A., Ph.D.., & Noyes, L. R. (2003, June 3). Sexually Active Teenagers Are More Likely to Be Depressed and to Attempt Suicide. The Heritage Foundation – Conservative Policy Research and Analysis. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from

Selected STDs by Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, 1996-2008 Request. (n.d.). CDC WONDER. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from race- age.html

Unit, R. C. (2009, April 19). Gardasil HPV Vaccine Faces Safety Questions – ABC News. – Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more – ABC News. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from faces-safety-questions/story?id=8356717

A couple poems I am working on…

•Monday 2nd November, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Now these aren’t finished yet, but I thought maybe I could post them here to maybe get some feedback. I really haven’t edited them yet at all, but these are just skeletons. Please let me know what you think. See if you can figure out what they mean! 🙂

P.S.  Remember! Poems don’t HAVE TO rhyme. 🙂


The promise


The complacency of my peers

yields not to their fears

of life doomed to mediocrity.


Catatonic in monotony,

They wait for their demise.

never to know what could have been;

what they could have had.


If only ‘the road less traveled by’

had been the path they chose.

Instead, the lemmings follow

a more simple, tried and failed path

presumed for their use.


Upon our mountain top

our arduous journey,

traveled mostly alone,

becomes a hidden and

imagined path for those

full of envy and entitlement


Shouting from below

“Where is our share?

What of yours becomes ours?

This is not fair.

We always suppose to win.

For we were born underneath

the promise of stars and stripes.”









Oh my dear child

you see, the time is near

to learn what this life is all about

That mind of yours has been unfairly defiled

Will you lend me your ear?

The fables and stories aren’t true

and are scrambling to be let out

If you want to be enlightened

expel the silly rumors

the simple-minded cling to.



Don’t believe them, my child

that you have a personal savior.

Don’t listen to their lies my child

that you should live a life

pleasing to a story-book God.

Deny the thought that purity is sacred,

for nothing is sacred, my child.

And don’t worry my child

Your actions wont be judged by any one

Especially, not a imaginary man in the sky

So, feel free to live whatever way you please


It is without saying, my Son

that the world is a great accident.

The intricacies of your physical being

are an impressive result

of our faith: Evolution

Im sure you realize, my Daughter

The beauty and wonder of our Earth

is nothing more than chance.



I hope it brings you comfort, my child

that when our time has come

to leave this Earth

that that is the end.

We simply cease to be.


We are an accident on this Earth

with no real purpose

no real reason for being.

We live

We die




Always remember, my children

that my love for you is

put quite simply

a chemical and psychological

mystery and of course

and accident

Which is relatively unremarkable


Now Goodnight, my child

remember not to say your prayers.

For no one can hear you

No one cares.

We are just worthless accidents

after all.














An Absence of God Contributing to Gang Violence?

•Thursday 15th October, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Hello Everyone,

Here is the essay that I have been talking about. Unfortunatly, this is not the final. I imagine I will not be as proud of that one. I brought my “rough draft” to my professor and she instructed me that my “premarital sex” content was not accurate nor relavent. I, however, disagree, but I realized that I have accomplished what I wanted. I wanted many people to read the essay (even if it was just classmates) and just get them thinking. I have accomplished this. So, now I must (in order to get an A on the paper, I’m sure) change some things around, and I may post that one as well.  So, here you go! I hope you enjoy!

Primtive Baptist Pastor, Jeremy Sarber (Angier Primitive Baptist Church in Angier, North Carolina) may be reading my essay on his Blogradio show (

tomorrow at 11am. Also, check out his blog:  


Hispanic Gang

Hispanic Gang


Derrion Albert- Murdered in Chicago by gang members

Derrion Albert- Murdered in Chicago by gang members



Tessla Hubbell

Honors English 101

Professor Jensen

October 9th, 2009


Is an Absence of God Contributing to Gang Violence?


While watching the news one day, I saw a story about a young man named Darrion Albert. He was a sixteen year old honors student who was murdered on video in a gang dispute. He was not a member of either gang, and was merely caught in the middle trying to help a friend. He was hit in the head with a railroad tie and then while on the ground was piled on by other teenagers until he was dead. The young man holding the camera was laughing and yelling “Damn!” One cannot disagree that violence and other forms of immorality is increasing steadily in our society, and most notably, in our urban areas. Of all the things that are detrimental to our country, gang violence is one of the most horrific. After watching the murder of Albert, I could not help but ask “What has happened to us, America?” There are many opinions about what is the cause of the low quality of life in these cities such as: poverty, stressed families, and overall loss of values. I believe all of these opinions could be true to some extent, but it is important to dig deeper and peel away the layers to see what the root of the problem is. I maintain that the cause of America’s increasing lack of values, specifically in her inner cities, is contributing to a lack of God and His values.


In order to explain what a lack of God is, the definition of a “Godly” person must be given. “The word for godly in the Hebrew language speaks of those who reflect the character of God in their actions and personality. In this case it speaks of those who have a personal relationship with God (Martin).” Notice, the word “Christian” is not mentioned here, but the best example of a “Godly” man was Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life and is the moral compass that Christians should use to judge if their actions are “good” or “evil.” Jesus said that the two great commands were to love God with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22). Everything depends on these two commands. “Jesus also says in John 13:35 that the distinguishing mark of His followers was the love they shared for each other (Geisler & Snuffer 163).” One does not have to be Christian, however, to be “Godly” or to have His values. God is not bound by a religion; God is Love. If you are acting in a loving way, you are acting Godly.


It was mentioned earlier that Jesus is used as a moral compass for Christians to decide if actions are “good” or “evil.” This is important because it can and will be greatly disputed. Non-believers say that there are no absolutes when it comes to morals and values. In other words, these things are subjective. “The approach is utilitarian: right is defined as that which brings the greatest good to the greatest number of people (Geisler & Snuffer 35).” In other words, right and wrong are subjective depending on who it benefits. “Unless there are some objective moral prescriptions of substantive content which are binding on all persons at all times, then at any given time it is possible that any action could be justified (Geisler 41).” Because of increasing political correctness, the line in the sand has continually been moved; and in some cases erased completely. One commonly held view of morality is similar to that of Thomas Scanlon, “I have said that an act is wrong if it would be disallowed by any principle that no one could reasonably reject (Scanlon 66).” Who is to decide what is “reasonable?” It used to be God, but now He is being torn down instead of held up. He is being taken out of schools and other public places under the guise of “political correctness” and to “protect” freedom of religion”, or freedom from religion. As a result our society has lost the idea of God, which was once our moral compass. The loss of this moral compass is the factor compromising the morality and values in our society. The best example of what horrors can result from this is our inner city gang violence.


Darrion Albert was a sixteen year old honor student in Chicago. He attended Bible classes every week and visited his grandmother when she was diagnosed with cancer to help care for her. His family saved up for two years to buy him a computer and he treasured it and spent most of his time on it. He was a good kid. He was pressured to join a gang in his neighborhood. He refused. This may be the reason he was killed so viciously and singled out in the gang fight caught on camera in late September. He reportedly was helping another student who was caught in the feud and was then bashed with a 2×4. After he was then repeatedly kicked and punched by several gang members he was then hit by the railroad tie again and was no longer moving. The students in the background, who had just witnessed a murder, can be heard laughing (Beck). These gang members had no sense of guilt or fear of God. A person who respects God and himself would not commit these terrible acts. One cannot help but ask “Why?” when viewing this video. It cannot be just because of poverty, unemployment, and dysfunctional families. There must be more.


The main problems contributing to gang violence are usually agreed upon: poverty, family dysfunction, and unemployment. As said before, these issues are only symptoms, not causes. One must go deeper to fully understand how the lack of God is affecting our cities. For example, if the Godly values of purity and chastity were a value that was still honored, the number dysfunctional families would be reduced. Without this virtue, youth are more prone to be sexually promiscuous at younger ages and therefore more likely to have children out of wedlock; not to mention more abortions. Having children so young immediately causes dysfunction because the parents are not financially or emotionally ready to be parents. Because of the sexual promiscuity of both the mother and the father, there is little to no commitment or love in the relationship. Marriage seldom occurs and if it does, there is a high rate of divorce because the two parents engaged in premarital sex far too soon–

“Statistics indicate that people who have sex with each other before marriage are more likely to get divorced after their marriage…Relationships based primarily on sex do not allow for a healthy friendship to develop during the dating relationship. Premarital sex, even if it is only with the person you later marry, can lead to marital problems later in life (Geisler & Snuffer 86).”

Some critics, like Meghan McCain, say that it is “unrealistic” to demand this generation to be abstinent before marriage (Colbert). On the contrary, it is unrealistic to expect our country to survive if we hold our youth to such low expectations. Secularists do not want to believe that humans have a natural desire for God. This may be because they don’t want to feel guilty about doing whatever they have the inclination to do, like having premarital sex, for example. Or maybe they don’t want any consequences for their actions. In fact, it is more than just a desire for God, but a need as well. Historian Will Durant said, “There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion (Black 9).” One major society that has failed partially due toward a loss of morality is the Roman Empire.


If morals are forsaken, a common occurrence in inner cities is for the father to leave or to become abusive. This leaves the entire responsibility up to the mother who must now be the sole provider and caregiver (Casebolt-Nichols 307). This is a likely cause of poverty as well. If these women and men were to stay chaste until marriage and after they were educated, they would be more likely to find a supportive and loving partner as well as a higher paying job; thus eliminating poverty and decreasing family dysfunction. A child or teenager, growing up without a father and a very busy mother, is sometimes pushed into more immoral things such as drugs, sex, and gangs. If the child joins a gang, it becomes his family. He feels protected and respected. The gang leader can serve as an authority figure; symbolic of the one he didn’t have while growing up. The child will then most likely end up just like his parents, if not worse.


The cycle continues and the result is our current state of inner cities, where crime, teenage pregnancies and STD infections run rampant. This cycle could have been stopped if Godly values and morals regarding sexual purity were taught, not only by parents, but by schools. The government, which is seen by some as the solution to poverty, is only making the situation worse. Welfare mothers become dependent on the government and some even have more children to increase the benefits from Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) (Casebolt-Nichols 308). People need to have enough respect for God and themselves to take responsibility for their actions and take advantage of living in the country founded on “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.” Some have lost that sense of personal accountability. In the Bible, it says “If any would not work, neither shall he eat (2 Thessalonians).” This does not mean that we should not help those who can’t work. This scripture emphasizes the importance of diligence; another virtue that should be taught vigorously in schools to prevent sloth and poverty.


Morality is a vital element to any successful society. Due to an increase in political correctness and lack of God, we are rapidly falling away from a uniform sense of morality. God provides us with a perfect example of morality: Jesus Christ. Since God, much less Christianity, is not being accepted any more, our society no longer has a moral compass to judge what is right or wrong except for the government’s laws. The government was created by humans and, for that reason, is fallible and imperfect; unlike the Bible. This is why the morals and values of God need to be taught in schools, but mostly at home; the future of our Country depends on it. The parents have a responsibility to raise their children to have a strong sense of right and wrong, and teaching about God accomplishes this in a way that no other method can compare to.


 Works Cited

2 Thessalonians. Holy Bible (KJV). Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1976. Print.

Beck, Glenn. “The Glenn Beck Program.” What would Sotomayor Do? Fox News. 01 Oct. 2009. Television.

Black, Jim N. When Nations Die. Wheaton: Tyndale, 1994. Print.

Casebolt-Nichols, Ann M. “Black Families Headed by Single Mothers: Growing Numbers and Increasing Poverty.” Social Work 33.4: 306-13. EBSCOhost. Web. 9 Oct. 2009. <>.

Colbert, Stephen. “Colbert Report.” Meghan Mccain. Comedy Central. New York, New York, 18 May 2009. Television.

Geisler, Norman, and Ryan P. Snuffer. Love Your Neighbor Thinking Wisely about Right and Wrong. New York: Crossway Books, 2007. Print.

Geisler, Norman L. Christian Ethics: Options and Issues. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989. Print.

Martin, Buddy. Christian Challenge International. Web. 09 Oct. 2009. <;.

Matthew. Holy Bible (KJV). Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1976. Print.

Scanlon, Thomas. Ethics for Modern Life. Ed. Raziel Abelson. Comp. Marie Louise Friquegnon. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002. Print.

Great Wisdom from a Great Show: Star Trek

•Monday 12th October, 2009 • Leave a Comment
Lt. Cmdr Data and his "daughter", Lal

Lt. Cmdr Data and his "daughter", Lal

Today, as a result from losing cable, I have been watching Star Trek: The next Generation on DVD. I was watching one of my favourite episodes, “The offspring.” It is where Lt. Commander Data, an Android, develops another android of equal intelligence as himself. He calls her his “child” and acts accordingly. She becomes sentient and eventually feels frustrated that she can act as a human, think as a human, but will never feel as human. She asks Data, her father, why he continues to act as human if he will never become one of them. He said something that made me stop, rewind and play again. He said “It is the stuggle itself that is most important. We must strive to be more that we are. It doesn’t matter that we never reach our ultimate goal. The effort itself yeilds its own rewards.”

 This made me stop and think because it is precisely what I wished to express to some non-Christians who say that it is impossible to live a sinless life. Or it it impossible to live as Jesus would. Or to even follow the Ten Commandments to the tee. Now substitute the situation for an Android becoming human, for a human becoming righteous.

Just a thought,


P.S. Star Trek: The Next Generation is a surprisingly philosphical show with great writing! I highly reccomend it to anyone. Even those who don’t really like Sci Fi (because I don’t always care for it either.)

Apologetics is a Full time job!

•Saturday 10th October, 2009 • 2 Comments
Look how beautiful. All an evolutionary accident? Sure.

Look how beautiful. All an evolutionary accident? Sure.

A year ago, I never thought that I would be where I am mentally.  I was still wrestling with the idea of Christianity. I was turned off by the apparent inconsistencies that arose after speaking with MANY different Christians in my lifetime. What’s funny, is that even when I considered myself to be agnostic, I still would have little “Christian” teachings that were implanted at a young age arise in my mind. For example, I would hear of a suicide and immediately think that it was certain they went to hell. Whether this is practical or not isn’t the issue. I found it humourous that after a small conversation with my grandmother about a cult suicide as a child, I would continue to impulsively believe her view that she shared with me: That people who commit suicide go to hell.

I guess that was the only real experience with Christianity that had really affected my thinking until I started attending church with a friend. I was confused even more when I listened to this pastor. Apparently, he was a Calvinist. I suggest you google this. This confused and frustrated me even more. I would listen to this pastor and be thinking “Well, I don’t know if I agree with that.” or “How does he interpret that from this passage?!” After I finally found where I wanted to be, I am very content, spiritually and I want to share this with people. My chance came last week when we were assigned a persuasive essay in my honors English Class. Our professor gave us a list of topics. I did not find any of them particularly interesting. At least, not interesting enough to write 3-4 pages about. So I took the next option: getting a topic, that I find important, approved. I decided that something that I think, talk, and write about constantly would be a logical choice for my topic. I chose: “How is a Lack of God Contributing to Gang Violence.”

My topic was approved, but it was not exactly the reaction I expected. My professor wrote back in an email claiming I had no basis for my position. She continued to attack my beliefs and called the Nazis, the Spanish Inquisitors, and the Crusaders “all very good christians.” I must admit, I was shocked. I really did not peg my Professor as being an atheist for several reasons: (1) I like her a lot. (2) She would use the word “blessed” instead of “lucky.” I found that to be a dead give away. I may have also been shocked because, as a liberal, I was never really debated. With one exception: Mr. Dudley. He was my favourite teacher, and one of the most influential people I have had in my life. But he deserves his own post another time.

I proceeded to conference with Daniel about this and he agreed, she was very rude in her argument. I decided, no matter how much I wanted to call her a “pinhead” (to quote O’Reilly), I had to be very polite. For several reasons: (1) I want to portray a true Christian as we should be portrayed. (2) She grades my papers (3) I will need her recommendation letters for admission into the honors program. But mostly the being a good Christian thing. 🙂

We went back and forth for several emails. I even decided to end the discussion by writing “Thank you very much for all your material you have given me to consider. I think I will save the rest of my argument for my essay. Have a great weekend!” I was met with an extra long rant about how Hitler was a Christian and how we were all hypocrites. All this over a student wanting to show a cause and effect of taking God (i.e. Values, morals, and love) out of our inner cities?

After many sleepless nights I decided to consult with my very intelligent and experienced Uncle Steve. I finally felt ready to start this essay. I finished about 4 pages in about 40 minutes. The hard part was MLA format (High School students… pay attention in class now). I am now considering adding a “what we could end up like if we don’t change our ways” element. I want to include a comparison to the Collapse of the Roman Empire. The loss of their family values and morality greatly contributed to their decline way before they were attacked and taken out.

One idea that I think my professor and I differ on is the idea of what it means for God to be present. I think she interprets that to mean that people are going to church and call themselves Christian. She stated that there isn’t gang violence in rich “white” areas because they have power and money; not because they go to church any more than the poorer people. I would agree with this. But she is assuming that there is no crime in these areas. What about white collar crime? The wealth, the greed, and the lack of God contribute to white collar crime. I think I have my next essay topic! 🙂

I do not think that the presence of God has much to do with Church. I think that if you are a non-believer you can still act in a Godly way. Given that God is love, if your actions are loving–they are Godly. If the last 6 Commandments were followed by all, our world would be a much nicer place to live. But the morals instilled by God are not being taught anymore because it is not “politically correct.”

I do not want you to think that my English teacher is indoctrinating all of her students. She has a strong (if misguided) opinion and this was only discussed outside of class over email. She did not treat me any differently the following class (which has always been pleasant). I was actually nervous to ask about how to cite the Holy Bible in our papers, and expected a retort similar to “We only can cite credible sources.” She did, however, answer my question politely. I did notice something that may contribute to her unfortunate naïveté of the scriptures. When she told me how to cite the Bible, she explained that I should record the version. She tried to give an example of a “version” of the Bible, but could not. She grasped for the all-too  “>famliar “King James Version”, but couldn’t think of it. I think this is evident of her not having ever read the Bible. This may explain our difference in opinion. I may be younger, but I have somethings to contribute the argument that she cannot: (1) I have read the Bible and frequently attend Church to become MORE educated. (2) I have lived both sides of the “God argument”. I know her argument before she really expresses it.

Anyway, I mainly just want to make sure I do as best of a job as I can. As my Uncle Steve said, If I produce a good essay that meets all of the requirements and I am still downgraded… I think I can assume why. I would like to think that my professor wouldn’t let a contrary biased opinion affect her grading process… but I don’t know her very well.

Well, I am going to start reading the History of The Roman Empire. My hands are hurting but I really am glad that I can write (so far) 1194 words for a relaxing activity. I think that this is really beneficial to developing my writing ability; also to show parts of my family that I am different from my mother in political ideologies!

Goodnight All and God Bless,


“Everybody Expects the Liberal Inquisition”

•Monday 21st September, 2009 • 2 Comments

This is an entry From FIRE BREATHING CHRISTIAN. I didn’t write a word, as much as I would have loved to. His blog can be found at: and I hope he is okay with me posting his entry on my blog… or if he would care.


“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

This was the launch phrase for my favorite recurring skit on Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

In most of its appearances, The Inquisition would intrude suddenly on unrelated sketches in which one character, expressing frustration with another, would announce “I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition!” Right on cue, the Inquisition would burst onto the scene as its leader proclaimed, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” This bold entry-line would be followed by other beauts, including, “Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms!”

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been thinking about this Spanish Inquisition a whole lot.

Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…nine out of ten so-called “journalists” within the mainstream media…whether it’s gun-control, taxes, Obamacare or ACORN, the one thing we all know by now is that anyone who opposes the “progressive” liberal agenda is, underneath it all and way deep down inside, a racist.


At this point, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.

The Scarlet R will be upon them.

Right now, literally tens of millions of “racists” in America are getting more than a little angry with the whole thing, and rightfully so. But what happens when this “progressive” enthusiasim for the race card is combined with the well-established liberal hatred of orthodox Christianity?

Just ask Sarah Palin.

“..even apart from its political implications, the rollout of the Sarah Palin vice presidential candidacy may be regarded decades from now as a nationally shared Rorschach test of enormous cultural significance.”

This was Jeffrey Bell’s observation as recorded in The Weekly Standard just seventeen days after Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was selected to become Senator John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign. He went on to describe what was rapidly becoming a perfect storm of political paranoia:

“From the instant of Palin’s designation on Friday, August 29, the American left went into a collective mass seizure from which it shows no sign of emerging. The left blogosphere and elite media have, for the moment, joined forces and become indistinguishable from each other, and from the supermarket tabloids, in their desire to find and use anything that will criminalize and/or humiliate Palin and her family…

“In her acceptance speech last Wednesday night, anyone could see the poise and skill that undoubtedly attracted McCain’s attention months ago, when few others were even aware that he was looking. But it was precisely the venom of the left’s assault that heightened the drama and made it a riveting television event. Palin benefited from her ability to project full awareness of the volume and relentlessness of the attacks without showing a scintilla of resentment or self-pity.

This is a rare talent, one shared by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. For this quality to have even a chance to develop, there must be something real to serve as an emotional backdrop: disproportionate, crazy-seeming rage by one’s political enemies. Roosevelt was on his party’s national ticket five times and Reagan sought the presidency four times. Each became governor of what at the time was the nation’s most populous state. It took Roosevelt and Reagan decades of national prominence and pitched ideological combat to achieve the gift of enemies like these. Yet the American left awarded Sarah Palin this gift seemingly within a microsecond of her appearance on the national stage in Dayton, Ohio. Why?”

For the American left, reasons for fear and loathing of Sarah Palin are legion; almost too numerous to list. But we’ll try anyway:

She is a woman (which would normally be a plus). She is a fiscal conservative (which offsets much of the aforementioned benefit of being female). She is a social conservative (this more than finishes off any remaining ‘female benefit’). She comes from humble roots and embraces a classically Judeo-Christian ethic. She is a generally happy wife and mother of five. Making matters worse on the last point, the youngest of her children, Trig, was prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome. The problem for the secular left wasn’t the diagnosis itself; it was that Mrs. Palin had subsequently allowed her son to live.

For this crime she could not be forgiven.

Little Trig became something of an unintended lightning rod as a result. The sweet little boy born to a loving, honorable Christian mother presented to the American left a clear and present threat to the very heart of its liberal orthodoxy…by simply living.

With their foundations shaken and insecurities exposed, ‘progressive’ women lashed out, leading the charge in a wild attempt to eviscerate Sarah Palin. Their seething hatred was proudly and forcefully displayed at every opportunity.

South Carolina Democrat Party chairwoman Carol Fowler pronounced that John McCain had chosen a running mate “whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”  The Washington Post’s Wendy Doniger observed that Palin’s “greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman.” ‘Comedian’ Margaret Cho joined the crowd of merry, blissfully content feminists by chiming in with:

“They shouldn’t have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have no Christ-like attributes. I am a feminist and a Christian, and when I see Sarah Palin, I see neither. And it’s official: She is evil.”

Through this parade of insult and vilification, our nation was exposed to the full force and character of secular liberal womanhood. And it wasn’t pretty. Then again, secular feminism rarely is or wants to be.

Eight months after Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech at the Republican Party National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, Americans were given another revealing glimpse into the philosophy shaping our nation’s culture.

This moment came when a young woman from the American West committed the unpardonable sin of politically incorrect public speech. This violation of the new American speech code inspired the unrestrained wrath of vigilant thought police across the nation. The whole episode began on April 19th of 2009, when the following question echoed through the Theatre for the Performing Arts in Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada:

“Vermont recently became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?”

This was the question asked of Carrie Prejean, representing the state of California in the Miss USA pageant. The question was asked by openly gay pageant judge Perez Hilton as a part of the Miss USA selection process.

Miss Prejean answered Hilton’s politically and religiously motivated question as follows:

“I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And, you know what? In my country and in my family, I think that – I believe that – a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think that it should be: Between a man and a woman. Thank you.”

While for many of us it may be difficult to imagine a more respectful, defensive, kind and even sheepish defense of the actual institution of marriage than that which Miss Prejean offered, the simple fact that she affirmed a personal belief, when asked, that marriage was to be “between a man and a woman”, was enough for impartial, unbiased, politically and religiously neutral judge Perez Hilton to come completely unglued.

As a result of honestly answering the question put to her in an excruciatingly polite manner consistent with the well-reasoned and time-tested beliefs of the overwhelming majority of American citizens since the founding of the nation, Carrie Prejean was denied the Miss USA crown and Perez Hilton went into full blown offended drama queen mode.

Hilton immediately recorded a video blog for release on YouTube, which included the following fabulous commentary:

“Hello…okay…so…Miss USA literally just finished and I have to make a video blog. Everybody’s gonna be talking about it! I was the YouTube moment of the show – the pageant – when I asked Miss California her question, and when she gave the…worst…answer…in pageant history! She got booed! I think that was the first time in Miss USA e-ver that a contestant has been booed. Now, lemme explain to you: She lost, not because she doesn’t believe in gay marriage. Miss California lost because she’s a dumb bitch, okay? This is how a person with half a brain answers the question I posed to her, which is: ‘Vermont recently legalized same-sex marriages. Do you think other states should follow suit? Why or why not?’ Well, if I was Miss California, with half a brain, I would have said, ‘hmm…Perez, that’s a great question! That’s a very hot topic in our country right now, and I think that that is a question that each state should decide for themselves, because that’s how our forefathers designed our government, you know. The states rule themselves, and then there’s certain laws which are federal.’ She could have said something along those lines, but she didn’t! She gave an awful, awful answer which alienated so many people, and Miss California – Miss USA – she doesn’t alienate, she unites! She inspires! I am so disappointed in Miss California representing my country, not because she doesn’t believe in gay marriage, but because she doesn’t inspire and she doesn’t unite! And that is what a Miss California and a Miss USA should. And I could not believe when she became first runner up! If that girl would have won Miss USA – California – I would have gone up on stage – I shit you not – I would have gone up on stage, snatched that tiara off her head and run out the door. And then I probably would have been arrested, but you know what? So be it! Ooooh! Thank goodness Miss South Carolina won – or North Carolina – whichever one won, because she deserved it so much more! Okay…I need a cocktail now.”

In a subsequent appearance on NBC’s Today Show, the lovely and gracious Mr. Hilton went on to further elaborate on his open-minded, inclusive philosophy of kindness and tolerance: “I personally would have appreciated it, had she left her politics and her religion out, because Miss USA represents all Americans. I think I gave her the easy way out. She could have answered that question so many different ways. She could have said, ‘Well, I wanna leave my politics out of the question and I think that it’s important for the states to make those decisions for themselves, and I think that would have been a better answer than the one that she gave, because the answer she gave alienated myself, millions of gays and lesbians, their friends, their family, their coworkers, and their supporters. And Miss USA is not a person that’s alienating. Miss USA is not a person that’s politically incorrect! Miss USA is someone who represents me, who represents all America and is inclusive.”

After pausing for a moment of intermission to digest those bits of brilliance and purge any thoughts of Perez Hilton as Miss California from our temporarily scarred minds, we are well served to consider a question of our own:

Throughout this incident and the firestorm of controversy that followed, Carrie Prejean’s position was painted as suspiciously defensive in most Statist media presentations, while the Perez Hilton position was generally treated as normative and therefore worthy of less scrutiny or criticism than Miss Prejean’s. Why is this so?

The answer to this question as well as many related issues swirling about the perpetual conspiracy to assassinate Sarah Palin are found in the very nature and identity of the counter-Christian culture in which we live. In an America teetering on the brink of a shift from post-Christian to anti-Christian state, the Secular Inquisition has begun.

While Carrie Prejean’s tepid, defensive, limp-wristed (and she didn’t even get points for that), ever-so polite response to Perez Hilton’s question did indeed cost her the title of Miss USA, it also managed to reap a wealth of useful information.  However flamboyant a representative of contemporary American leftism Mr. Hilton may be, his views are largely representative of the hyper-relativistic brand of secular humanism that currently dictates the course and rate of decline for our culture. Sadly, Hilton’s is the favored position, at least from the perspective of the secular forces driving our nation. This makes the Prejean/Hilton exchange worthy of further consideration.

I’d like to begin this examination by offering a list of post-Christian American truths made plain through Perez Hilton’s response to Carrie Prejean:

  1. Biblically submissive Christians cannot represent America. “All of America” includes ridiculous living caricatures of homosexuality; it does not include biblically submissive Christians.
  2. Biblically submissive Christians can be excluded in the name of inclusiveness. Put another way, alienating Christians is perfectly acceptable for the simple reason that they are perceived to alienate others.
  3. Political expression is reserved exclusively for those expressing politically correct views.
  4. Religious expressions, if they must be made at all, are allowed only insofar as they conform completely to anti-Christian standards, thus rendering the Christian silent.
  5. Political and religious questions, when asked of a Christian by an anti-Christian, cannot be answered honestly or accurately, as the Christian response must universally conform to anti-Christian standards and is therefore impossible. In this light, anti-Christians really do not ask Christians questions at all – they merely use a question format to inform the Christian of truth from and anti-Christian perspective. It’s kind of like a satanic twist on Jeopardy!
  6. So complete is the subjugation of the liberal lemming’s mind that they are literally incapable of noticing their own flagrantly religious and political expressions as anything but the completely benign norm for all of humanity. They literally do not realize that their opinion is an opinion. As William F. Buckley, Jr. put it, “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
  7. Expressing an anti-Christian opinion in the promotion of tolerance, acceptance and unity is a natural and good thing, while expressing a Christian opinion on the same matter is almost always an open violation of goodness and decency at every level.
  8. Perez and Paris Hilton are of roughly equal value to western civilization.

There are many more useful points that could be listed, to be sure, but the true nature of the new American thought police is revealed clearly enough by these alone. In a nutshell: Bible believing Christians are, by definition, wrong and must be silent. This is the guiding principle of the Secular Inquisition.

This movement has been underway in America for some time now. It continues to gather steam, having moved beyond its base of Statist media support and into the deeper fabric of the culture, primarily through the public education system. Its goal is, for now, the silence and suppression of Christian thought. As such, every Common Believer is a threat and legitimate target of the Secular Inquisition.

 Any public expression of distinctly Christian thought must be met. It must be countered. It must be crushed.

And soon, it must be banned.

There are those who would say that the above contention paints an overdramatic picture, that the author here is presenting a skewed take on reality for the sake of promoting alarm and implying the existence of an evil conspiracy against liberty where in reality there is no such thing to be found. To these critics we need only reply with a simple point north…to Canada, where the Liberal Inquisition has been at work for just a little bit longer…

Don’t listen to me, I’m just a Crazy Christian…

•Monday 21st September, 2009 • 1 Comment

When it comes to liberals, I was the quintessential example. I was pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, and pro-marijuana even! Things have changed a little bit. The main that has changed, which affects the rest of my views, is a new sense of personal responsibility. I am so frustrated by people, especially my generation, who think that being responsible for their actions is too much to ask. For example, I am a virgin. I am saving myself for marriage and so is my future husband. So I can tell you two people who won’t be having a child out of wed-lock, or contracting a STD. It really isn’t that hard to figure out. Don’t have sex until you’re married and stay faithful to your partner…WOW! No more STDs or teenage pregnancies. I can hear the objections already… “But that’s not realistic in this day and age!” What am I a friggen miracle? I have lived with my boyfriend  for 8 months… do you not think there was temptation? So what I am hearing when people say that is, “People should be able to do what they want, including having sex, without any consequences.” This is what I am met with when I speak against abortion. Head over to the Planned Parenthood website and see what they say about abortion. They try to “sell” it to you that it’s a quick procedure and you will feel better afterwards. Are you out of your minds? The doctor on the website actually says “About 90% of the women come in to get an abortion because they aren’t ready to be parents.” In other words… In 90% of abortions are used as another method of birth control. Am I the only one disturbed by the idea that a child, YES a CHILD, has to die because you couldn’t keep your pants on?

I am not saying that we should start disowning our children if they don’t wait until marriage to have sex, but they have no reason not to anymore! Do you really think that the new statistic of 52% of marriages failing, and the overwhelming number of teenagers having premarital sex is not related? They build these relationships upon sex and when that fades they have nothing else…save maybe a new disease or a child they can’t take care of.

Another opinion of mine that has changed is the issue of gay marriage. When I was fourteen, I had no intention of getting married or having children. Why would I? I hated kids and was too damn feminist to ever need a man! And my parent’s marriage was falling fast. Marriage meant nothing to me. And then I started seriously thinking about marrying this boy I had known since I was twelve. I knew that I could make this marriage work, and thankfully…I still had my virginity intact before I had one too many chances to throw it away. But, now marriage was something more than just a repeatedly failed institution in my family. It was important, it was special, and nothing makes me happier than the thought of marrying Daniel. And then all of a sudden, I didn’t want that to be tainted. And that doesn’t just included gay people. People who are unfaithful, people who hate their spouse, or are serial divorcers, all make me squirm. But don’t listen to me, I am just a crazy Christian. Your way seems to be working out great!

I know it may be a very harsh opinion, but hear me out. I don’t believe  gay people are born that way. But I also don’t think they choose it, either. In the 1970’s, Homosexuality was listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual II (DSM II) as being a psychological disorder. It was removed because of the politics occurring at that time…not science. I still maintain that this has some truth to it. Sure, there may be some genetic factors that play in… such as more testosterone or estrogen, but I do not believe that it is something out of their control. I think that it is a combination of Nature and Nurture and is treatable.

I have heard the response that “why would God make us gay if it’s wrong.” Do you know what humans are capable of? Why would he make us rapists, murders, pedophiles, and thieves if it were wrong? I am not really comparing the severity of these crimes to homosexuality, but think about it. Pedophiles have a sexual attraction to children. Yet, when they actually molest a child, we throw them into jail (rightfully so, of course), so there is no opposition that it is wrong. But that attraction they have for a child is just as real and just as strong of an urge that gay people have for the same sex. My point is, that you wouldn’t expect or allow a child molester to indulge in his urges… because they are wrong. Just like the rest of us shouldn’t indulge in our urges because most of them are wrong. I may want to kill my high school math teacher after she fails me… I don’t because I fight the urge and I know its wrong. I understand that gay people have an urge, so do I, so does everyone else…why should they be allowed to indulge? It doesn’t make any sense.

All this talk of things being wrong reminds me of the whole “Are there any absolutes in life?” argument that I had with my mother a few months ago. She is a relatively sensible woman who knows that murder, theft, and rape is wrong. But she will not say that they are “absolutely Wrong.” What I mean by this is acknowledging that no matter who you are, in what country or culture, these things are still wrong. She won’t say it. And she isn’t alone. I used to believe that too. She told me that just because I believe it doesn’t make it true. Why not? If nothing is considered “absolutely” wrong or right, then why do we have laws? The guilty person can just say “I didn’t feel that it was wrong to kill a child.” and are you telling me he has a point? There has to be a measure of what is right or wrong or else the world becomes chaos.

But like I said. Keep doing things your way. How has that been working out for you? I am a christian and I am happy. I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, kill people, steal, lie, or have an extremely dirty sense of humour. I don’t even talk about sex in a casual/humorous way with anyone but my future husband. I am in college, want to be a nurse, then a doctor, I want to have kids and get married and live in a beautiful area like Pennsylvania. I feel that I am intelligent and have a great relationship with my boyfriend, who also is in college and wants to be a doctor and doesn’t do any of the things I mentioned first. I don’t have an STD, a drug problem, or a illegitamate child. And I think I have a pretty bright future.

Lets look at an example of a un-named “liberal” young person I have met in school so far. He is a gay freshman in college. He has been with too many men to count. He is now interested in a man who has HIV and is scared because he has already “done stuff with him.”

Another one is a girl who is a self-described “pot-head” with her boyfriend. This girl has told me, without knowing her for 10 minutes, that she get anxious from lack of sex. She is probably younger than me.

Another girl, is 19 and has a 5-year-old son. Do the math.

So, which life would you choose for your child? The one who has her life in order and a clear plan and is healthy and actually going places… or any of the “liberal” lives. Even if I was a liberal parent, like mine, I would still prefer that they didn’t share my views or religion if that meant it kept them out of trouble and gave their life meaning.

You may have noticed that I haven’t really mentioned God or The Bible in this post. This is because I am starting to realize that people tune out when you say these things, saying I can’t force my religious beliefs on others… but that shouldn’t stop me from pointing out things that are wrong with society. Even if you take God and religion out of the equation, if you try to live the way Jesus did and follow the ten commandments, then everyone’s life would be better. And that’s a fact.